I Can Still Hear That Drum Machine,  2024  6 x 6 inches  Oil on panel  NFS

I Can Still Hear That Drum Machine, 2024

6 x 6 inches

Oil on panel


  She Said She Wouldn't Go but Then She Went,  2024  6 x 6 inches  Oil on panel  $350

She Said She Wouldn't Go but Then She Went, 2024

6 x 6 inches

Oil on panel


  Non-Player Character,  2024  Oil on panel  6 x 6 inches  $350

Non-Player Character, 2024

Oil on panel

6 x 6 inches


  There's Only Room For One and Here She Comes,  2024  Oil on panel  6 x 6 inches  Sold

There's Only Room For One and Here She Comes, 2024

Oil on panel

6 x 6 inches


  Lady Silence,  2020  Oil and spray paint on canvas  14x16 inches  $500

Lady Silence, 2020

Oil and spray paint on canvas

14x16 inches


  Under the Skin,  2023  Oil on canvas  20x24 inches  $800

Under the Skin, 2023

Oil on canvas

20x24 inches


  Super Spreader,  2019  Oil on canvas  14x16 inches  $500

Super Spreader, 2019

Oil on canvas

14x16 inches


  Super Friends,  2016-2022  Oil on canvas  48x60 inches  $4000

Super Friends, 2016-2022

Oil on canvas

48x60 inches


  Mrs. Burns,  2018-2022  Oil on canvas  48x60 inches  $3750

Mrs. Burns, 2018-2022

Oil on canvas

48x60 inches


  The Luxury of Monotony , 2018  Oil on canvas  29.5x36 inches  $850

The Luxury of Monotony, 2018

Oil on canvas

29.5x36 inches


  Friend of a Friend,  2016  Oil on canvas  24x24 inches  $700

Friend of a Friend, 2016

Oil on canvas

24x24 inches


  Used Experience Designer,    2021  Oil on canvas  9x12 inches  $400

Used Experience Designer, 2021

Oil on canvas

9x12 inches


  The Shape of an Absence,  2018  Oil on canvas  40x47 inches  $850

The Shape of an Absence, 2018

Oil on canvas

40x47 inches


  I Can Still Hear That Drum Machine,  2024  6 x 6 inches  Oil on panel  NFS
  She Said She Wouldn't Go but Then She Went,  2024  6 x 6 inches  Oil on panel  $350
  Non-Player Character,  2024  Oil on panel  6 x 6 inches  $350
  There's Only Room For One and Here She Comes,  2024  Oil on panel  6 x 6 inches  Sold
  Lady Silence,  2020  Oil and spray paint on canvas  14x16 inches  $500
  Under the Skin,  2023  Oil on canvas  20x24 inches  $800
  Super Spreader,  2019  Oil on canvas  14x16 inches  $500
  Super Friends,  2016-2022  Oil on canvas  48x60 inches  $4000
  Mrs. Burns,  2018-2022  Oil on canvas  48x60 inches  $3750
  The Luxury of Monotony , 2018  Oil on canvas  29.5x36 inches  $850
  Friend of a Friend,  2016  Oil on canvas  24x24 inches  $700
  Used Experience Designer,    2021  Oil on canvas  9x12 inches  $400
  The Shape of an Absence,  2018  Oil on canvas  40x47 inches  $850

I Can Still Hear That Drum Machine, 2024

6 x 6 inches

Oil on panel


She Said She Wouldn't Go but Then She Went, 2024

6 x 6 inches

Oil on panel


Non-Player Character, 2024

Oil on panel

6 x 6 inches


There's Only Room For One and Here She Comes, 2024

Oil on panel

6 x 6 inches


Lady Silence, 2020

Oil and spray paint on canvas

14x16 inches


Under the Skin, 2023

Oil on canvas

20x24 inches


Super Spreader, 2019

Oil on canvas

14x16 inches


Super Friends, 2016-2022

Oil on canvas

48x60 inches


Mrs. Burns, 2018-2022

Oil on canvas

48x60 inches


The Luxury of Monotony, 2018

Oil on canvas

29.5x36 inches


Friend of a Friend, 2016

Oil on canvas

24x24 inches


Used Experience Designer, 2021

Oil on canvas

9x12 inches


The Shape of an Absence, 2018

Oil on canvas

40x47 inches


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